“Providing meaningful employment for people with disabilities through our commercial enterprises.”
Our Operations
- Mobility showroom
- Mobility and healthcare services (servicing and hire)
- Wheelchair upholstery products
- Re-upholstery services – auto-motive, marine, traditional and commercial
- Light engineering and assembly
- Contract sewing and packing
- DDC Hub – meeting & training rooms
Devon Disability Collective (DDC) is located in a multipurpose 22,000 sq ft factory and office facility based in Exeter, Devon. Our operations include: contract sewing, upholstering and manufacturing wheelchair products to BSI ISO 9001. Onsite we operate a fully stocked mobility Showroom.
Our commitment towards enhancing independence and opportunity for those with disabilities is at the core of our business, specialising in providing goods that help people with disabilities manage the challenges they face, to support independence and promote wider lifestyle choices.
DDC is a non-profit-distributing social enterprise with all employees having equal member voting rights and a say in the business. Our work is about the importance of the people who work with us, the quality and value of the goods we produce and really understanding and valuing our customers.
Everyone has a strong ability and it is DDC’s aim to reduce the unfair disadvantages that people with disabilities face in the job market.
“7% of those with a learning disability of working age are in employment”
“47% of disabled people are in work, compared to 80% of the average population”
Our People
Opening Times:
Monday–Friday: 8:30 am–4:00 pm.
Saturday: 8:30 am–1:30 pm.
Sunday: Closed.
Where are we :
22 Marsh Green Road
Marsh Barton
Tel 01392 428585
email enquiries@devondisabilitycollective.org.